Cyberwar is the new cold war, with China and the US as the main actors of the ongoing geopolitical and economic clash, fought with weapons called artificial intelligence, Internet of things, blockchain, wearable device, smart city … all governed by a single central nervous system: the 5G network.
Towards 6G
But while the eyes of the world are focused on the commercial development of 5G (with USA in direct contrast to China-Russia axis), looking at today does not pay and in the war on technological leadership there are those who go beyond and aim for 6G. With China always on the top: Su Xin, head of a dedicated group from the Ministry of Industry and IT, fixes in 2030 the planned year for the launch of the technology that promises connections of 1Tbps per second. And always from the East comes the news that LG has inaugurated in Daejeon, 140 km south of Seoul, one of the first laboratories in the world dedicated to the development of 6G. A project that the South Korean giant will conduct in collaboration with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology.
Also in Europe something is moving, with the 6Genesis program of the University of Oulu in Finland: 250 million euros in eight years allocated by the university and other external partners to develop and provide the necessary skills for the society of the future.
What the real benefits of 6G will be is not entirely clear, but beyond the technological improvements in terms of speed and security of data exchange and coverage, those who will win the TeraHertz frequency control will enjoy an unprecedented competitive advantage.