The new Unified Patent Court is proceeding with the implementation of activities to prepare to the entry into force of the UPC Agreement, currently planned for 1 April 2023. Starting from this date, the Court will begin to receive cases. A total of of 85 judges (34 legally qualified judges and 51 technically qualified judges) have been appointed so far, and shall take up their duties by the same date.
UPC’s website is online since 7 November 2022, a unique point of reference where to find all the information on the Court and its activities. A roadmap towards activation is also available. Among others, UPC and the European Patent Office (EPO) signed signed an agreement on the exchange of data between the two institutions. Guidance is also available on the new authentication mode and electronic signature needed to acc
Ii remains still VERY unclear whether a new EU patent issued by EPO after APRIL 1, 2023 shall be still validated (and translated in every EU official languages) in each of the 20 EU Member States and with a local agent in each single Member State ?
If this remains UPC would not represent any advantages for SME ???? So much bla bla bla but substantially will remain a gap.