IDEF0 technique: from process mapping to process modelling
Another family of process-mapping tools is found in the class of “modelling languages.” Approaching the problem of mapping a process using the tool of process modelling is very advantageous and can be very close to the ideal tool. An example of this kind of tool is the IDEF0 technique.
IDEF, an abbreviation for Integration Definition, refers to a family of modelling languages originally developed by the U.S. Air Force beginning in the 1980s and commonly used in military as well as business modelling. The IDEF family of tools allows one to perform various kinds of mapping and can be used in different fields, from functional model to data simulation, object-oriented analysis/design and knowledge acquisition.
The IDEF0 technique belongs to the IDEF family tool and it creates a “function model,” which is a dynamic, structured representation of the functions, activities or processes of the system under analysis. The main characteristics of IDEF0 are:
• Hierarchical structure: the system representation consists of a hierarchical series of diagrams, text and glossary cross-referenced to each other.
• Graphical description: the model gives a visual representation of the relation existing among input, output, and product functions.
• Highly communicative: it uses simple and shared language that is comprehensive and expressive.
• Organized and systematic way of work: it gives an objective and rigorous way to analyse a system. The IDEF0 technique has several advantages compared to the previous family of tools described.
The first concerns the building of an evolving map. The level of detail can be either general or detailed, depending on the desired analysis, the objective, and the information available. The IDEF0 draws an evolving map that can be updated when changes happen and maintained coherently within the system. The second benefit consists of traceability (in this context, a higher degree of maintainability and efficiency). Process mapping with IDEF0 assures the complete traceability of each element identified during the analysis. Each level of detail and each element associated with the level can be directly associated to a process function. This kind of tool becomes a means to share information, update the process and accelerate changes by assuring a real-time update and a diagram that always reflects real system status. This traceability is a value that can be exported to the risk analysis tools that can be implemented. In other words, for example, it is always possible to link the IDEF0 box or representation to the correspondent branch of the FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) or the specific row of an FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis). These two benefits are embedded in the methodology and fulfil the requirements for an efficient and maintainable tool. Process modelling, as performed by IDEF0, not only assures representation of the system, but also models the system functions and elements of the organization’s activities affected by changes and data increase. The process modelling itself gives the user considerable advantages especially when process complexity must be managed and the system has great variability. Furthermore this technique is very powerful also because it allows the model to be scalable and incremental because all the elements that can be connected to scale-up activities are tracked in the mapping. These advantages and benefits are linked to the difference between process mapping and process modelling. Process mapping allows groups to fix the process status. Even though its quick and easy to manage, process mapping does not assure traceability or sharing of an up-to-date representation of the system. Model building using an appropriate modelling tool gives the user the necessary rules to achieve consistency and self-checking. Consistency refers to the structured way used to draw the diagram and to gather all the information connected to the system. The risk of missing or forgetting some process element is minimal and controlled. Furthermore, the model is self-checking, which gives assurance that all the critical elements are considered by working step-by-step and building a shared vision of the process.