The political agreement reached on 8 December 2023 by the European Council on the final text of the Recommendation on a European framework to attract and retain research, innovation and entrepreneurial talents in Europe updates the 2011 R1-R4 profiles for researchers, and introduces the European Charter for Researchers, a revision of the 2005 European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
The agreement is part of the actions to strengthen the European Research Area (ERA). The new provisions are focused on young and early-career researchers, to facilitate employability and careers and to attract more students and graduates to careers in research. Europe’s attractiveness for talents from around the world is also considered. The new framework will support the goals of the Commission Communication on a New European Innovation Agenda. The launch of several new instruments is also planned, including an ERA Talent Platform, an observatory on research and innovation careers, and a pension solution for mobile researchers.